Mushing Radio is back and on the radio. Yes, we will still be doing our podcasts on Mush! You Huskies, Dog Works Radio and The Gypsy Musher, but we are moving into the big time and now host a weekly radio show from the KVRF studios in Palmer, Alaska.
Did you know that we are the only weekly show dedicated entirely to mushing and dog powered sports?
That’s cool isn’t it?
During the Iditarod we had over 100,000 downloads and we had the pleasure of talking with lots of new fans on Facebook and Twitter.
From our fans:
~It’s almost time for your final Iditarod broadcast/podcast and I just wanted to thank you for being on the air each and every night throughout this year’s fabulous race. I eagerly await your broadcast each evening–it is hands down the best and most professionally produced Iditarod podcast out there. I’ve tried out others and always come back to “Mush You Huskies”.
~Thank you, Robert. Much better coverage than (Iditarod) Insider. Love listening. Reposted for you. Eddy Kubiak
Take a moment to listen to a few of our shows and tell your friends. We’re going to be big!
Head over to our Facebook page and make sure you hit that “like” button our
Mushing Radio will stream live on Radio Free Palmer, on the radio on 89.5 in the Mat-Su Valley, and as a downloadable podcast right here!
Episodes (All times Alaska Time–4 hours earlier than Eastern Time)
Iditarod 2015 Coverage
Mushing Radio 2014
March 2015: Noble Paws
March 2015: Louis Schrader
March 2015: Ryne Olsen
March 2015: Kevin Neher
September 26, 2014: Cruzlin Schubert
May 21, 2014: Author Joanne Sundell
May 2014: Author Jason Highcamp
April 2, 2014: Rod Perry
March 22, 2014: Cindy Abbott
March 5, 2014: Sabe Flores
February 26, 2014: Tuuluuwak Sled Dogs
Mushing Radio 2013
December 19, 2013: The Right to Mush
December 17, 2013: Patrick Campbell
December 3 2013: Icebound
November 27, 2013: Mushometer
October 14, 2014: A Tribute to Allie Marie
October 14, 2014: 2014 Races
August 31, 2013: Charlie Bejna
August 24, 2013: Abbie West
August 17, 2013: Lisbet Norris
August 10, 2013: Karen Cline
August 3, 2013: Monica Zappa
July 26, 2013: MUSH! the Movie
Mushing Radio 2012
December 12, 2012: Dr. Tims
December 5, 2012: Taylor Steele
November 29, 2012: Junior Mushers Alea Robinson and Andy Noble
November 21, 2012: Lacey Hart Interview
November 15, 2012: Beth Wheeler Interview
October 31, 2012: Jake Berkowitz Interview
October 26, 2012: Aliy Zirkle Interview
September 5, 2012: Joe Henderson Interview (Part 2)
August 29, 2012: Kelley Griffin Interview
August 22, 2012: Newton Marshall Interview
August 15, 2012: Joe Henderson Interview (Part 1)
August 08, 2012: Brent Sass Interview
July 25, 2012: Karin Hendrickson Interview
July 18, 2012: Mike Santos Interview
July 10, 2012: Hank DeBruin Interview
June 20, 2012: Mitch Seavey Interview
June 13, 2012: Ramey Smyth Interview
June 6, 2012: Author Albert Lewis
May 2, 2012: Gerald Sousa Interview
April 26, 2012: Martin Buser Interview
April 19, 2012: Ken Anderson Interview
April 11, 2012: Anjanette Steer interview
April 6, 2012: DeeDee Jonrowe Interview
April 4, 2012: Mushing Radio episode 19
March 29, 2012: Zoya DeNure Interview
March 27, 2012: Anna Berington Interview
Wednesday March 21, 2012: Author William Schneider