Do Dogs Mourn the Death of their K9 Buddies?

Robert Forto

Robert Forto

@robertforto | Executive producer and co-host of Dog Works Radio

dog works radio do dogs mourn the death of their k9 buddies

Join host Michele Forto as she discusses if dogs can mourn the death of their K9 Buddies on Dog Works Radio. 

A new study indicates that dogs have the ability to grieve, and express negative emotions in reaction to the death of other dogs they have lived with.

The study, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports on Thursday, states that dogs who lived with a companion dog that died “changed both in terms of activities (‘playing’, ‘sleeping’, and ‘eating’) and emotions (fearfulness), which occurred as a function of the quality of the relationship between the two animals.” 

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Robert Forto

Robert Forto

@robertforto | Executive producer and co-host of Dog Works Radio

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