Wellness Wednesday Show with PAWsitive Radio, hosted by Team Toby. Join Host Charmaine Hammond, professional speaker, bestselling author and president of Team Toby
Guest Marybeth Haines joins us to talk about healing through the loss of a pet, and her book The Power of Pets. She provides tips to cope with grief and 7 important things pet families must know. Later, Charmaine talks about dealing with loss in the workplace. Workplaces face change and loss frequently, but the good news is that resilience can help teams and businesses bounce forward through these situations. Charmaine provides tips ever employee, business owner and leader must know to cope and move forward.
Follow Team Toby’s PAWS Across Canada tour live as it happened via Team Toby’s Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/TeamToby2 To find out about PAWS Across Canada Visit our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TheOriginalTeamToby or watch the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlSAQLlA5l4 To order a copy of Toby’s books, or find out more about Charmaine and Team Toby, visitwww.TheOriginalTeamToby.com
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