Today’s show is the second installment of host Dorothy Wills-Raftery’s new storytelling feature that will periodically air in between traditional interview episodes. This new feature will be the reading of excerpts from her award-winning book EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy.
To listen to the premiere episode featuring the first three Epi-Stars of the book, visit:
Dorothy, also known as the “FiveSibesMom,” is an author, Siberian Husky aficionado, Canine Epilepsy advocate, and official Purple Day® Ambassador since 2012. On these storytelling podcasts, she will be reading to our listeners several stories from the 122 stories in her book, as shared by the loving families and caregivers of dogs living with seizures and Canine Epilepsy.
The “Epi-Stars” of the book are of all different breeds from around the globe, including her own Gibson, a wooly Siberian Husky whose journey launched a worldwide awareness advocacy campaign—theFiveSibes™ #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness & Educational Campaign. Through these heartfelt stories we learn about some pretty amazing Epi-dogs and their families, who share the trials and tribulations of living with a dog who has Canine Epilepsy. They are truly inspiring dogs, showing us that they do not let seizures stop them from enjoying life!
The large, beautiful, highly reviewed coffee table book is the first book of its kind and the recipient of:
- Independent Press Award “Excellence” in the Reference Book Category
- New York City Big Book Award “Excellence” in the Pet/Animal Book Category
- Named “Best in Print” by AmericanPet Magazine™
Copies of EPIc Dog Talesare still available in limited quantities ArcticHouse Publishing and The book also features an extensive informational and resource section on Canine Epilepsy. A portion of proceeds from the book are donated by Dorothy to Canine Epilepsy Resources Epil-K9 Foundation housed at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Company Animal Epilepsy Department for Canine Epilepsy projects and research.
“The Sibe Vibe” is also available to download on the Podcast app for iPhones and iPads, as well as on iTunes under the Dog Works Radio family of shows!
Links for Resources in this Episode:
EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy Books:
FiveSibes™ Website & #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Online Library:
FiveSibes™ #LiveGibStrong & The Anita Kaufmann Foundation’s #Paws4Purple Program:
FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews on Facebook:
FiveSibes™ on Twitter:@FiveSibesMom