Relaxing Christmas Music for Your Dog

Robert Forto

Robert Forto

@robertforto | Executive producer and co-host of Dog Works Radio

Just in time for Christmas, the producers of Dog Works Radio present over three hours of holiday music.

We take a break from our traditional dog training advice and share a great playlist that you can play at your Christmas party or as background music during this holiday season to help your dog relax. 

Merry Christmas Therapy Music for Dogs! Calming Christmas Music for Dogs in the Holiday Season! 🎅🏻 – Keep your dog calm and happy during the festive season with this soothing Christmas music to relax dogs around people and loud noises. This dog therapy music is perfect for calming anxious dogs, with pieces of Christmas music throughout, this music will keep your dog happy and relaxed where they’d normally be stressed!

So if you want to get the most out of the relationship with your dog, listen to our podcast, Dog Works Radio, take some notes and check out our Peak Performance Training Program!

And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on InstagramFacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!

Robert Forto

Robert Forto

@robertforto | Executive producer and co-host of Dog Works Radio

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